Saturday, May 07, 2005


People are drawn together by a certain feeling of affinity, of agreement or of attraction between some part of one’s own nature and some part of other’s nature. At first this is only felt; one sees all that is good or pleasant to one in the other’s nature and even attributes, perhaps qualities to him that are not there or not so much as one thinks. But with closer acquaintance other parts of the nature are felt with which ones is not in affinity – perhaps there is a clash of ideas or opposition of feelings or conflict of two egos. If there is a strong love or friendship of a lasting character, then one may overcome these difficulties of contact and arrive at harmonizing or accommodation; but very often this is not there or the disagreement is so acute as to counteract the tendency to accommodate or else the ego gets so hurt as to recoil. Then it is quite possible for one to begin to see too much and exaggerate the faults of the other or to attribute things to him of a bad or unpleasant character that are not there. The whole view can change. The good feeling may change into ill feeling, alienation, even enmity or antipathy. This always happens in human life.

But shouldn’t one try to look calmly at others? And not overstress either virtues or defects, without ill feeling or misunderstanding or injustice? One should be seen at with a calm mind and vision.


  1. Very true :)

    "But shouldn’t one try to look calmly at others? And not overstress either virtues or defects, without ill feeling or misunderstanding or injustice? One should be seen at with a calm mind and vision."

    That sometimes leads to a certain kind of indifference and detachment ... and kills all the spirit of life.

  2. "But shouldn’t one try to look calmly at others? "

    Who decides what we "should" be ?

    I think we should be true to ourselves so that there is no bridge to cross from our internal truth to our external appearance. We decide what what values we want to pursue and chase them.

  3. Ya but the very fact is that if the relationship is really strong ...(and by strong i mean much much more than what the COMMON people call as strong)....then it really wouldn't matter.....that whether the other persion is right or wrong...good or bad....'coz whatever the case may be...what matters it that ver person...the time spent with her/him and nothing else......

  4. wish the anonymous comments had a I could answer :)

    thanks though ..for reading and commenting

  5. You know everything in life does not have a name...some things are unexplained....some things are not there but you still feel them....
    ANyways the topic you chose was really great....Relationships...yes thats what life is all about....that is really what good r'ship and really it can make you so anything and/or everything in this world.....

  6. everything in life has a name.. everything beyond life has a name. like u have one now ..anonymous. ... or may be ..Me

  7. Well are the comments ending by ME are am ME...:-)
    And everything does not require a name....and as far as something beyond life is concerned then i don't have any idea as whether a name is required there....
    But ya ur writings are good....keep up the good work

  8. To 3rd Anon comment:

    Lucky you ... you haven't gone through the breakup of an UNCOMMONLY strong relationship :)

  9. Did i anywhere say that I have or haven't gone through the breakup of an UNCOMMONLY strong relationship ........?


  10. help me lord in the world of anonymouses !

    and they say thngs or people dont require a name :)

    and to the last anon ... Uncommonly strong relationships do not break up.

    They just evolve and move on.. there is no pain felt. Trust me!

  11. Read the piece with great interest. Well to be calm and not overstress virtues or defects seems sane advice.
    Think about it this way too.
    It is given that each one has his defects and no person is perfect. So the chances of noticing these defects increase with the longevity of the relationship. However just as we notice others' defects we should understand that the other person in the relationship is noticing our defects too. The problem is that we get into a mirroring game where we assume that we can mirror the attribute that we perceive as a defect to make the other person realise where he is wrong. In this process we forget that the person has already adjusted to our own attributes that he doesnt agree with.

  12. "Uncommonly strong relationships do not break up. They just evolve and move on.. there is no pain felt."

    I agree that uncommonly strong relationships do not break up, but to say that there is no pain... I'm really not so sure.

  13. "Uncommonly strong relationships do not break up. They just evolve and move on.. there is no pain felt."

    Uncommonly strong relationships don't break up ...

    There is a compromise to be made here. Uncommonly strong relationships are based on very strong foundations. When the cause for break up happens, there is a choice ... either you go ahead with the relationship knowing that it is not the same as before ... or you rather keep the ideal relationship in mind and avoid the new superficial one ...

    To 7th Anon post:

    If you have gone through the breakup of an UNCOMMONLY strong relationship, why would you say "if the relationship is really strong ...(and by strong i mean much much more than what the COMMON people call as strong)....then it really wouldn't matter"

    To Ansh:

    Bear with us anon asses, dear lady :)

  14. The relationship may be strong... but it need not always go in the direction you want it to. There may not be a break up, but it might not be what you want it to be... and to a great extent, thatt causes pain.

  15. Very interesting post and comments:-)

    I read this somewhere and I stand by it:

    "The most enduring relationships in my life have nothing to do with deep understanding, common interests, intellectual connectivity, emotional sustenance, physical attraction or family ties. It all boils down to one thing. They all survive the not-so-nice me, and still love me. Human beings are essentially illogical."

  16. This piece only reminds me of "acceptance"and we often tend to forget what it means to us in our lives..It is after all letting ourselves and everyone else the abliity to just be!Just be who you are!Self acceptance can remove all barriers!

  17. Before reading anything, I read ANSH Said.......
    I was thinking that I would present myself as an "anonymous" reader,but I plan to change!
    All I would like to say is that I like your honest thoughts presented in an equally honest manner.i'm new to this world of bloggery.t's my new discovery and it'll be very generous of you, if you could let me know how to join on the contributor's list...
    Awaiting your response...
    thank you...

  18. Everyone does a relationship post.

    Mine was,
