Monday, May 09, 2005

Death Rebirth and a Prayer

She was in a posture which would melt anyone’s heart upon sight. Her eyes were gazing into nothingness, tears rolling down her cheeks, no expressions on her face. One almost felt she was a sculpture, but for the tears constantly rolling down.

The tears were her only connection with a world outside her and her breathing, the only connection with life. She was detached from this world’s commotion and her eyes were the proof of a bigger turmoil within her.

She closed her eyes. Tears had stopped falling. Her soft, almost non existent breathing stopped as well. She was dead.

The posture changed. She opened her eyes and breathed deep. The eyes were moist but determined. She knew that her connection with life was beyond tears and breathing. She now knew that the betrayals and pains were there to make her dead once in a while to be born renewed.

She stirred and then stood up. Her steps were faulty, the first steps generally are. Yet she felt thrilled that she could walk again. She began her new journey with a prayer in her heart

“Let me learn to walk and fly
Let me fall and learn to rise
Let I be My surprise.”

“let me take the giant leaps
But not forget the baby steps
For If I fall again
I should form regain”

“let me learn to heal myself
For wounds I can not save myself from
Let me learn to forgive myself and others
Let me learn every day”


  1. "She knew now that her connection with life was beyond tears and breathing. The betrayals and pains were there to make her dead once in a while to be born renewed."

    Hey Ansh,

    Everytime I go through a phase like the one you've described, I know that there has to be a reason. Most times, I just don't know what that reason is. I believe that these episodes make me stronger. But until I read this post, I didn't think that that in itself was the reason. This gives me food for thought.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I almost felt sorry that you had to fall
    But I am glad destiny made that call

    For you are stronger than times before
    For you now know there is always an open door

    Look not elsewhere but within
    Deep in there is an Ansh cheering

  4. U didn't write anything on the 10th and 11th


  5. Anshh Babes ... (sorry , this is totally unrelated to ur post)

    U have to do me this favour , uve been tagged by me , just go to my blog and check out the "Well, lets play tag again" and work on the headings there ! love u , muach !

  6. Anshhh ! Take the main points from this blog ( and write ! :-)

    BTW , love ur posts !
